Today Leon came home from school and accidently left the door open. Turns out 10 minutes later Joy was missing. I frantically got my hoes on, grabbed my keys, and headed out the door while Leon strolled around the house like it was no big deal. I ran to the staires calling out for her and presses the elevator button. The door opens and guess who stood their looking up at me. Joy had managed to sneak in while it was open and couldnt get back out. Luckily the elivator was still on the fifth floor.
So couple of weeks ago we went to a cafe house named Dogenhofen. Its right by Praterstern and quite uncrowded during the winter. We often go to pet the owners dog and ours ay together. Shes a ni e old greek women who makes the best dishes, be it dessert or dinner). So this particular day Eleni was telling us a story while the dogs played. It suddenly became silent so we called for the pups to come over to us. Guess what crime Joy commited. She snuck back into the kitched and ate all the food in her reach. Included where two pre arranged dishes. But thats not all! Later on she stuck into the clset and ripped open a bag of expensive pig lung treats and ate them all up alone. That maxe her a little thirstey so she resorted to drinking out of the toilet. Lesson learned- dont let her out of your sight!