Friday, September 24, 2010

JOY : My Little Einstein

Joy is my little einstein! She learned how to sit in just 15 minutes. The next day I taught her how to lay down in 15 minutes as well. The third day, i Taught her ``Paw``. She took a little longer to learn this, but she kinda gets it now! She loves biting people, she thinks it`s the most productive thing to do with her time and doesnt fully understand that when she bites us, it hurts!! She likes observig Leons Guinea Pigs, they are very fascinating to her. Her left ear has stood up and im kinda missing the floppy ears, but its ok, I still love her just the way she is!! Chewinf the cables to the computer and TV are also one of her hobbies. 5 cords ``Mysteriously`` dont work anymore, I just cant figure out what happened to them. Oh yes, I think Joy want to work at the airport when she gets older; She occasionally ``Checks`` my bag to make sure i dont have anything that isnt allowed. After the search, she resorts to stealing my wallet...the little thief! Well, gotta go, she pissed on the floor again...

Libra, hows that bird of yours? You guys are keeping it as a pet inside or does it just visit your yard occasionaly?

My school in vienna is good, its very small, but its ok. I dont really like my Journalism teacher...she pisses me off. I have to write a an article, contact 6 people from enviornmental places such as hydropower facilities, or the enviornmental minestry, all withing 7 days. Does she honestly think this is possibale? I mean really,?!?!?! To write a halfway decent article with that many interviews one needs at least 2-3 weeks to get responses! I like writing a blog, but this journalism shit is to much, seriously, why cant I just write what i want. Something interesting! My Philosophy teacher also pisses me off a little.She had us break into groups of 4 and write 2 papers, on on the chinese governments perspective on the occurance at Tienaman Square, the other from the US perspective. We wrote 2 pretty damn good papers, but unfortunatly they werent to her taste, so we had to rewrite them 2 more times! Other then that school is going well.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


So I was in Psychology class the other day and the Professor happened to tell us that in todays session we would be discussing hypnosis! Anotherwords, that ment hypnotizing the whole class! SO I was convinced that this qould not work. He first told us to hold our hands in our lap and look down at them in one particular spot. After a minute, I felt as though I was starting to fall asleep. That when I realized this shit really worked! From then on, which was a half hour, i stopped my self from falling under his spell and didnt do what was told to the class. I observe others though and what I saw was really quite interesting. People lifted their arms when told to do so and proceeded to do as they were instructed throughout the entire 30 minutes. Towards the end of the class, I noticed a girl sitting opposite of me not responding anymore to the instructions given forth by the professor. It seemed as though she had fallen asleep in her chair, while sitting. Then it hit me, ``Holy SHIT, hes hypnotized her`` OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! Let me tell you, its a strange sight indeed seeing a girl sleeping during a university class. The teached then went on for a while and then finally said ``Im going to count from ten to one, and when i reach one, you will wake up``. This worked for everyone in the class but her! She continued to sleep. He had succeeded and hypnotized one of his poor students. I never believed hypnosis was really possibal, but my mind has changed! You should try it some time. NOT!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My new Pet Joy

If you have looked on facebook latley, you may have noticed the pictures of a very adorable little puppy on my profille! Her name is Joy and I got her on September 3, 2010 at 7 and a half weeks old from a breeder in Austria. I like everything about her asider form her biting. Oh yeah, her shitting and pissing all over the house has gotten old fast, but hey, thats part of the package! So this girl adisa, whom I met at student oriantaion is partially retarted I think. We were in the elevator in the metro, and she asked me what this one red button does. I told her ``dont press it, its for emergencies!`` Three guesses as to what she did next! Yup, she waited till i has left the elevator, pressed the damn button and ran out. She is without a doubt a total R-Tard! School is going well, but I have decided that my true dream is to become a photographer, travel the world, and take magnificent pictures.
So a couple of weeks ago, Eva gave Joshi the keys to Bernardstahl to fix up some tings. Apparently they had thrown a little party, including the presence of Philip, and it got a little to noisey! The old Mr. >Buresh came out and yelled at them treatening to call the police! He called Eva to tell her that ``Joshi hat Dr.Schemm`s hause ist uberfallen`` (Joshi broke into the much respected Dr.Schemms house!) We couldnt help but laugh at this. Joy is crying, I gotta get back to her!

Much Love, SCS